The Guild of Straw Craftsmen - Events, Exhibitions and Courses in 2022

A dove in marquetry

Worked by John Brooks
from a design by Peter Shelley.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information in this page is correct, the Guild of Straw Craftsmen cannot be held responsible for any errors that occur.
We will try to make sure that we attend the event or fair but unforeseen circumstances may force us to cancel an appearance at short notice.

Events, Exhibitions and Courses

This page contains information about where you can see the Guild in action and learn about straw crafts. Our courses are suitable for both beginners and the more advanced straw worker. Some of the students who came to the beginners’ course just to “have a go” have now become regulars of the advanced courses.

12th June 2022 - The Minnie Lambeth Gathering
The Minnie Lambeth Gathering is named in memory of a Cambridgeshire lady who became interested in com dollies in 1938 when she found a twist of straw, a 'Countryman's favour', lying on the roadside. Possibly it had been lost the day before from the buttonhole of someone's Sunday jacket. She took it home for the local museum. Her interest in straw developed further over the years as she researched and wrote books. In the mid 60's she invited people to her home to share their work so that they could learn from each other and improve the quality of plaiting.

The Gathering, traditionally held in June, has had few organisers in its time. In 2000 Anne Renfrew took on the challenge and the Gathering moved to Knightcote in Warwickshire. It is held in the magnificent Monks Barn

For those with an interest in straw work, this is a day not to be missed.

Read about the Corn Dolly poem by Minnie Lambeth.

For further details email monks_barn_workshop.

some of the work shown at the Minnie Lambeth Gathering

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wind chimes made from seven straw plaits

These wind chimes were made by one of our junior members at one of the Duns Tew workshops.

Courses run by the Guild.

Date Location Details

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Our workhops for all ablilities are being held at a new location in Kings Sutton (Oxfordshire).
The hall is modern with amenities accessible to all.

The workshops are fun and friendly, suitable for beginners and intermediate alike.
The aim is to pass on the traditional skills of corn dolly making as well as other straw related crafts.

For details of the Kings Sutton Workshops, please email Kings Sutton workshops.

A booking form can be downloaded from here.

a picture of work in progress

Courses Run by Guild Members.

General Courses

Date Location Details

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